Grievances and appeals in New York
You or your approved representative can file a grievance or appeal at any time.

Let us know if we made a mistake
You may want to file a grievance if:
To appoint a representative to act on your behalf, please provide your written consent. Your representative can be a friend or family member, your doctor, or an attorney.
You can appeal if your service gets denied
If we deny, reduce, or end treatment or services, we’ll send you a Notice of Adverse Determination. It will:
You, or your approved representative, can appeal the decision.
Appeal process and rights
You have the right to ask for an appeal if you don’t agree with our decision to deny or reduce a service. An appeal is when you ask us to look again at the care we denied to make sure we made the right decision. Learn more about your appeal rights:
Child Health Plus appeal process
Health and Recovery Plan appeal process

Have questions?
Check your member handbook or live chat with a representative through the online portal or the Sydney Health app.