Know More About Anthem Telehealth

How To Use Anthem Virtual Care
Also called telehealth or telemedicine, Anthem virtual care enables you to see a healthcare professional using your mobile device or computer. During an Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield virtual visit, your healthcare team can treat common health issues like a cold, the flu, a fever, rashes, allergies, and more.
To request a virtual care visit, log in to your Anthem account and choose Care, then select Virtual Care. You can also download the SydneySM Health mobile app. The Sydney app will connect you to a healthcare professional through a virtual chat or video visit.
When Should You Use Anthem Virtual Care?
Anthem virtual care is a good choice when your regular doctor isn’t available. An Anthem virtual care visit costs about the same as, or less than, a doctor’s office visit. Virtual care is also a good alternative to the emergency room and can help you avoid long waits at an urgent care center.
Why Should You Use Anthem Virtual Care Services?
Anthem virtual care is a time-saving choice you can use for:
- Cold, flu and fever
- Cough, sore throat, or strep throat
- Minor rashes
- Eye, ear, or urinary tract infections
- Sinus infections or allergies
- Chronic condition management
How Does An Anthem Virtual Care Visit Work?
- Once you start a virtual chat or video session with your healthcare professional, you can discuss your medical concern just like an in-person visit.
- During the Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield virtual visit, the healthcare professional may ask about medical history, symptoms, and any prescription medicines you are taking.
- If using virtual video for your visit, the healthcare professional may ask you to show your symptoms — such as rashes or where you have pain or discomfort — to better understand treatment.
- The healthcare professional will then diagnose and recommend treatment, including ordering prescription medicine if necessary.
How To Use Anthem Virtual Care On Your Computer
As an Anthem member, you have access to virtual care on Once you log in, select Care and choose Virtual Care.
You can also speak to your own doctor to see if they offer telemedicine services.
How To Use Anthem Virtual Care On Your Phone
Download the Anthem Sydney app to use Anthem virtual care on your phone. With this app, you can receive answers to your questions using the Symptom Checker. If you need non-emergency care, the app will connect you to a healthcare professional through a chat or video visit.